3:00 p.m.//04.08.05

Mood Do I ever know? No.

I have a major Dynasty Warriors blister on my left thumb from the analog stick and endless hours of game-time. I've been playing with a band-aid on it, but it sort of impedes the continuous forward movement, which is a constant thing in the game, just as in any other game.

If you play with Pete, be prepared to be 5 lvl's below him; as he goes and immolates generals before you can even get to them, and if you do try to fight one of the generals, and you spend much time lessening the HP of the main general, he'll come and get the last shot at him and get the exp. points and lvl up. ANGER.

I know he doesn't mean to do this. My health was rapidly deteriorating by the second, and he tried to save me so that the board wouldn't have to be re-done. I managed to have us both at a level 6 at coinciding times -- wonderous.

I have my gripes about the game though -- the distance rendering and the slowdown in 2-player Mosou mode; when both players are in the same area, and one player utilizes mosou rage, it slows the other player to a hault, who is almost definitely in the midst of being bowled over by no less than 25 enemies at a clip.

Albeit, these things are annoying, considering how often the musou attack is used, but I've well managed to play for hours and hours and hours until I get so thoroughly pissed off that I slam Pete's controller down, hardcore. I believe this is the 3rd PS2 controller we've gone through in total.

I'm going to try to get in about 1.5 hours of game-time tonight before first pitch at 7:05.

Other than that, shit balls cock.



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