Ruby Gloom = Gay
11:42 p.m.//02.21.05

Mood: Optimistic
Sound Muse -- Apocalypse Please

I started posting on the RubyGloom (eating disorder) forums again. It's been about 1.5 years since I've graced them with my presence.

Now I recall why I stopped posting there.

Some of them are uber cool, but most of them are stick-in-the-mud, tight ass people who just hollowly praise each other instead of having the balls to speak the truth.

I got repremanded for posting a question/comment in the thread I titled "Why are the COE (Compulsive Over-Eating) forums always so dead?". The actual post itself was short and read, "Is it me, or are the COE forums the least posted in? I see the ana (anorexic) forums horde the majority of the posts. I guess it's cooler to be ana. Just kidding, sort of."

Most people were fine with that, except for one chick who decided it was high time she flexed her assholish, cocksucker muscle and said that A) it wasn't funny and B) it was in poor taste.

Firstly, it wasn't meant to be funny; it wasn't meant to be anything -- I put very little thought into it, honestly.

So, of course, I felt the nagging urge to reply back because I felt this girl was a human cum stain. I replied with:

Oh good God. It's time to loosen the old o-ring there before you make yourself implode. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? And honestly, it wasn't meant to be a HA HA funny, but thanks for trying to keep up. And please let me know why it's in poor taste? I have a variety of sticks you can borrow to insert in whichever orifices you feel comfortable with. Oh and by the way, sorry you feel that way.

And then, an entire army of pretentious, uninteresting anorexics start telling me how I should lay off that dipshit chick because she's a board moderator. I care? Oh boy, a board moderator. I'll say what I feel like saying, and if you want to ban me, then ban me, but I'm not going to walk on eggshells because a bunch of Ana's got bent out of shape because they aren't capable of making light of their own problems.

If you cannot laugh at yourself and your short comings, then you, in my opinion, have little hope of ever getting your problem taken care of.

That said, I've decided that I'm not going to post there anymore; it's always the same bullshit all the time anyway -- "I'm going to stop overeating! This time I mean it!" -- and then 1 day later, they're posting about how they binged.

Now, I have that same problem, but at least I capture different angles. It's just so mundane and predictable to read the threads there. Ugh.

I hate tightass anas.



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