Not sure why people hate America?
1:31 p.m.//02.16.05

Mood: Walking the line of slight depression.
Sound: The sound of a disgustingly nice day outside.

There is someone I talk to often, and he has this stance that America has never done any wrong in it's time, and this infuriates me to no end.

It's not that I hate America. I'm just grown-up and freeminded enough to question and research just what we've done to get here. I'm not a liberal, I'm not a righty -- I'm not anything. I absolutely hate having to label myself in that fashion.

Since I haven't posted it yet, I'm going to post my rebuttle e-mail to my America-loving (which is nothing wrong with it, if you don't do it blindly) friend:

Do you realize why there are countries that DON'T hate us? I mean, the new nations of the European Union are highly pro-American, which brings me to ask just WHY are they so pro-American. The U.S. wants influence in European affairs, and there's so much political comeptition between Germany, France, Britain and all the newer countries that joined the EU. It's all just obnoxious, complex politics. Do you want to know why these countries, and others like them seem pro-America? Because they are simply sucking up to get a piece and get ahead -- just like working in a corporate enviornment, where you suck up to get ahead, but inside, you hate your boss to death, and you deal with his doltishness because in the end, you realize you need your job, and your company signs your paycheck every week, which in turn, keeps you afloat.

Another reason people have to front a pro-American stand is because they have huge amounts of money invested in us, is it because they like us personally? No -- it's because they want to make money. They want that protection from us if they ever get into a beef with another country. And why are we nice to them? Because we genuinely like them and want to take them out to lunch and go golfing? No -- because European banks, and banks around the world (including our own) would crash without foreign loans and obviously, crashing banks = crashing economy. Aren't politics FUN!? And moreover, instead of bragging about the usage of money to the UN and red cross, we should have looked to see where the money is really coming from.

People have the misconception that we fund and throw money into countries like Iraq, Palestine and Israel, and that's not completley true. Iraq is just a pure puppet government that gets paid by its own master, which isn't us. Palestine; it's people live in like... open air deterioration areas, and the money is most likely embezzled by some corrupt Palestinian officials. And as far as Israel goes, their government isn't paid by the U.S. directly, but receives military aid from us.

As far as us being so 'sovereign' and liberating countries and giving them the best help they can get with THEIR best interests in mind, I remind you of Bin Laden. He was funded by the U.S. under the pretense of fighting for Afghani freedom against Russia. The sick part is, we knew full well just who Bin laden was and what he was capable of but we didn't care, because we sold ourselves to the devil just to have someone else deal with Russia, and look what happened. Do you see the twin towers? I know I sure as hell can't. Where'd they go? Ohh, that's right, that pesky bin laden that we so happily funded way back when. Karma is great.

You mention the Panama canal being built, and how nice we were to do it. If you remember, the nation of Panama was created under Teddy Roosevelt's supervision, and you can also construe it as liberation from Columbia... unless, of course, you consider the fact that America just needed that canal for our own gain -- just a thought.

As for the Vietnam war, that war was just a proxy war against Russia. We really didnt give a shit about Vietnam or its people because they had nothing we wanted, but it was a great front to get at the soviets.

What I'm saying is wherever you look, the U.S. looked after its own imperial interests in all of these "freedom" wars, and while I'm not saying this is completely wrong, but you should just reassess your perception of the so-called selfless U.S., fighting wars for somebody else's benefit.

Come to think of it, you're a prime example of why so many hate us -- because we refuse to admit we've made some shit choices. We continually show the inability and disinterest to even understand WHY we're hated. We just brush it off as "Eh, it's the media. No one REALLY hates us. Damn left, trying to destroy the country!" News flash: it's not just the left, it's also the right. Not only that, most Americans aren't even aware of just how many bombs we've dropped on other countires.

A prime example of us being total shitbags is if you recall, during the Vietnam war, when our planes were supposed to bomb North Korea, but instead, bombed Cambodzea (who were neutral by the way) because of Henry Kissingers idea of: "Everything that flies on anything that moves." Our cross to bear from that is due to our own bad decisions, when the that very bombing launched the beginning of mass murders around Cambodzea by the reds on innocent civilians. And did we care? No, because what we don't see doesn't exist to us.

Maybe you need a reminder of this country since the beginning of time... most people need a reminder, and sadly enough, to most people, this would be new information.

We began our main existence here by exterminating 90% of the population living on this land, of which they lived on before we even got here. That's 90%. Are you even aware of just how much that is? That's the greatest instance of genocide in the history of the world -- we even beat out Hitler and his Nazistic dreams. We then 'relocated' the natives to some of the worst land on earth, and basically wiped an entire race out of existence. Like Chris Rock said, "When's the last time you saw two native americans in the same room?" -- yet another cross to bear.

It gets better though. We then indulged a 250 year period of nothing but a slave-labor economy. I mean, women didn't even get the right to vote in this country until fricken 1919. That's disgusting, I mean, we didn't even legalize civil rights until the 60s...

Since then, we've invaded Mexico, and tried Canada (twice). We engadged in terrorist activity in Nicaragua (and were found guilty in the World Court), Honduras, Panama, Haiti, Cuba and a bunch of others I can't recall at the moment. We have supported a dictator in east timor that massacred 300,000 people sometime in the 70's. Do you know where he got his money and weapons? From the U.S., of course. And not only did we give him money, we blocked the UN efforts to stop the killings.

Uhh... what else. Oh! We support the Saud family that violently supresses its population so our companies here can get good oil prices. We helped support dictators in Africa as well. Let's not forget Saddam -- we set him up with the WMD to use against the Iranians and his own people, and then we turned a deaf ear on the resistance that tried to overthrow him after the first gulf war. Then there was also that little thing we did in Vietnam for 13 years, where 13 million or so people were killed I think, and for what? Our own prestige? So they couldnt have their own government of choice?

Or how about Columbia? Most people don't even know that we give more aid and money to Columbia than we do to Israel. I mean, in the last 10 years or so is when we've been giving Columbia the most money, and it just so happens that in those past 10 years, Columbia has notoriously been one of the biggest violaters of human rights in the entire world. So why the hell do we still fund them? -- because the money we give to Columbia goes to support a dictatorship that makes sure its resources and cheap labor stays available to American companies, that's why.

Do you know what the world thinks of our financial support of Turkey, or what the Italians think about the way our C.I.A. made sure that no social parties took hold of their government after WW2? Do you know how the world feels about our invasion of Iraq? Do you think they might think that we're there for our best interests of American corporations and that only lip service is paid to democracy? Heh, maybe they doubt our belief in democracy because of the time we overthrew the 'democratically' elected president of Chile? Or maybe it's because we turned a deaf ear on Fidel Castro back in the 50's, when he was the leading movement of the people, you know.. that 'thing' we're all about?

So, as you can see, not everyone sees America as the shining light, and rightly so. Wow, isn't it amazing how so many people see America as hypocritical in its actions, as well as complete assholes? OH MY GOSH!! NO!!!!!!!! But we're SO good and helpful!!!!! Don't they know that God blesses US??!? Don't they know that?? Don't they know that we're a sovereign nation? I mean.. don't our past actions just simply OOZE love and care for human life? lol.... please....

I mean, in all honesty, no country is perfect, but I didn't go on and on about that because that wasn't the topic. I'm just showing you how and why other countries have valid reason to hate us, and how we don't do things just because we're a good nation, but instead, we do things that benefit us; even if it means sacrificing innocent people, and then trying to cover up our tracks. It's bullshit. My biggest problem is that we refuse to see the bad things we did, and refuse to see why we're hated/disliked. We walk around with our heads up our asses, most of us unaware of America's history, let alone being able to point out Cambodzea on a map. We're ignorant and prideful for things we shouldn't be prideful for, and aren't aware of how we got to this place to begin with.

In all honesty, both right and left have their percentage of morons -- the righties are worrying about if Barney is promoting homosexual thoughts and the lefties are busy worrying more about gay marriages than important issues at hand, like a divided nation.

One large problem with Republicans is that they see America much like a toddler sees its mother, where they aren't capable of questioning mommy's parenting skills. Then on the other hand, you have the Democrats, while caught up in stupid civil issues, are mature enough to question 'mommy' and point out the things that they feel she has done wrong, and if you're not able to follow my circuitous example, just replace the 'mommy' with America.

I posted this because I basically just felt like it. Hopefully someone will read it and become enlightened, and lead a revolution. Heh.



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