Rock n Roll McDonalds
7:29 p.m.//10.25.04

It's been almost 3 years how, and I finally did it -- I've re-purchased me a guitar.

Granted, it's a piece of shit Yamaha, but it's all I can afford at the moment. Ebay is a lovely place indeed. I really shouldn't have put it on my already-insanely-in-debt credit card, but I couldn't help it.

For years I was never without my guitar; I'd bring that fucker in the bathroom with me... it'd have this awesome accoustical amplification because of the echoey bathroom.

I was talking to my friend, Andrew, about music and it just got me completely inspired to get it. I very much miss playing from when I woke up until when I went to sleep.

Mixed emotion happiness for the time being -- that's the most I could ask for.



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