6:08 p.m.//07.14.05

Mood: Chippery
Sound: Billy Corgan -- Mina Loy (M.O.H.)

I think that I'm this completely different frequency than most of the planet. I often say things that make perfect sense to me, but everyone else is just left sitting there like "...what?". This happens way too often for it to be blamed on me going off on some analytical mania warpath.

It's very hard to explain. I just feel like I'm in my own square, like at the beginning of the Brady Bunch (yes I just went there), and everyone else is operating in a square above me; I can see them, they can see me, but we can't interact much.

See--that's one of those things where someone will be like "Um... what are you talking about?!!?"

I'm not saying I'm deeper or blah blah blah, in fact, I'd often love to trade this frequency in for another one, as this one's often unmanageable.

But, so it must be, I guess.



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