Random Bullshit
3:26 p.m.//10.08.04

I feel so much better after my outward display of childish assholism.

Sometimes I get into these moments where I'm able to clearly see how lucky I am to have the people and things that I have in my life. That sounds so lame.

I was drawing a loafer for Pete last night; he was confused on what one was. Actually, I think I was trying to draw a mokasin(sp), but in the middle of drawing, I forgot what I was drawing. I dunno. It ended up looking like a speed boat.

Game 3 tonight. Some L blazing and no snacks because I cannot engage in such activities, unless it's protein. Most people don't snack on beef cubes during a game. Actually, I can have cheese, but I think this would become boring after about 3 minutes. MMMmmm some beef n' cheese snacking... or chicken. Wow this post is fucking retarded.

One of the things I dislike greatly in life is having to rewind the vacuum cord up around those stupid hooks. I vacuum the house once a week, and every single time I wind the cord up, it always manages to get stuck on something, whether it's the hinge on my mom's computer cabinet or on the underside of the vacuum. I hate it.

I could tell I was in a good mood today because I didn't flip out at the vacuum cord. That makes me sound like I have a really short fuse, but I don't. It takes a lot for me to actually get mad. Most often I care so very little about things that I find them amusing in a 'people are objects' kind of way.

And people are objects; don't let them fool you. They're just upright-walking objects that intercede in your daily life and should be treated as such.

Actually, people you DON'T care for are objects. This can be proven when you meet some random person and they tell you that their mom is very sick, you tell them you're sorry, but you're really not; you really don't feel much of anything because the person is an object for now, unless you begin to like them, then they become more personal.

The best time to use this type of thinking is at work when you have to deal with customers or co-workers. They're objects and nothing they say can really affect you because they're basically like the buzzing of flies.

They're basically like programmed annoyances, strategically placed around you during the course of your day. The quicker you learn this and believe it, the easier interactions become. I've yet to master it; I'd say I'm at about 55%.

This was a completely random post but whatever. It's my journal, you cocks.



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