Escape & Grandeur
9:47 a.m.//06.23.07

Feeling: Like I have nothing to do, and I on't... and that's glorious
Sound: Casiotone For The Painfully Alone -- We Have Mice

There was no intrusive, dreaded digital beeping--already the makings of a day not quite so much resembling hell. And I sit here with Chino, who looks forward to these days an equal amount as myself, since he can be free for many more hours.

Maybe it's pathetic that the only thing that has any positive effect on me emotionally is smoking a fat Saturday morning bowl, with an apartment; vacant, except for my shell and brief fantasies of escape and grandeur.

Most importantly, I have no obligations or responsibility. That bastard burden. The wear and tear of the drudgery that is the daily grind, carving you into a like-image of a pre-fabricated mold devised by the world system. These temporary breaks from thralldom are envigorating to my soul. I would certainly shatter without a peppered share of them.



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