But Japanese is better
4:03 p.m.//04.03.06

Mood: Relieved

After trying 900 times to get in contact with Goldie, I finally did and it was well worth it. We both did our part in explaining what happened and why we felt the way we did. I just needed things explained to me and I needed to explain things to him, and there was no yelling or anything, just calm talking, which is how it should be.

I have a lot on my plate at the moment and everything seemed to be going wrong in my life, and then the fight happened. It threw me for an even larger loop than I had thought possible. I hate flipping out and getting mad at people, especially Goldie. I was left with no answers and had to construct my own, which tend to be completely inaccurate.

I had little idea his boyfriend read my journal. I guess I was a bit rough on him and I apologize for that. Like I said earlier, having been left with no answers, I had to formulate my own, which spawned a reaction as seen in one of my latest posts. I'm really not the type to habitually be that way, but I am human and I do fuck up, and I suppose you could say that it was one of those times where I did fuck up.

One of the few positive things about me is I tend to learn from mistakes and I'm going to try to be more understanding of both of their situations, as I would hope they'd be understanding of mine. But then again, to understand me, you'd have to work tirelessly at it, like Goldie did, which most people wouldn't even bother. If there's any friend in the world that I trust most, it's Goldie. That's something I'd never want to lose.

So, that's cleared up. I'm so glad. I hate having things like that happen, as they don't happen too frequently to me at all, so it's a learning experience. I sound so positive. Yeck!



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