Corporate whore
2:46 p.m.//08.11.05

Mood: tad bit of anxiety, but alright.
Sound: Matt Sharp -- Thoughts From a Slow Train

Miraculously, I managed to get the job with Cingular and my first day was this past Tuesday. Pretty weird. My feet were ridiculously numb and sore from standing on them for hours upon hours.

I feel at home there already. Everyone seems partially insane, and what better place is there for me? Very few. The management is laid back and co-workers are zaney and obnoxious--in a good way. It was my 2nd day yesterday and I've already started to deface the huge dry erase board in the back office.

I really haven't much interesting or thought-provoking things to say. I just wanted to do a little update, which is still more interesting than Goldie's most recent post.

Oh. Yes. I work directly opposite a Game Stop. That right there is some major Paycheck Danger. I will have to be the model for will power. Wait, did I just say that? Heh. Right. Model for will power. Heh.



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